InTaKT Festival 2024 / Graz, Styria, various locations

07.11.2024 – 11.11.2024 The InTaKT Festival is an inclusive dance, culture and theatre festival created by and for people with disabilities. Over five days, the...

»CREAM VIENNA« timeless and contemporary objects of desire, art, wine creative food / REAKTOR...

30 November & 1 December 2024 CREAM is entering its second round. Timeless and unusual items can be shopped for at the guest event, all...

Come on! / Wien Museum, Vienna

24.10.2024 – 09.02.2025 One city, 15 young people: Jews and Muslims. What happens when they meet? Is it inevitably about the Middle East conflict? About...

Buch Wien – Fair and Festival 2024 / Messegelände & various locations, Vienna

20.11.2024 – 24.11.2024 In 2024, visitors with a thirst for reading can once again expect a linguistic firework display, literary experience and knowledge building. 511...


20.11.2024—17.08.2025 BLOCKCHAIN UNCHAINED: DAO & The Museum, conceived in the form of a game, uses augmented reality to let the exhibition create an interactive story...

XENOS – Democracies in Danger / Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Graz, Styria

06.11.2024 – 10.12.2024 As part of a cooperation between the Verein zur Förderung der soziokulturellen Vielfalt - Xenos and the Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen...

Anniversary exhibition Art & Play / Zoom Kindermuseum, MQ Vienna

until 31 August 2025 On the occasion of ZOOM's thirtieth anniversary, it is focussing on two of its most important pillars in its new hands-on...

CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA 2024 / Graz, various locations

11.10.2024 – 19.10.2024 CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA has set itself the goal of focussing on the diversity of the creative industries and the services they offer....

Wild corners – wallowing in the urban world / rotor – Zentrum für zeitgenössische...

until 19 October 2024 The exhibition traces the natural in the urban, following the trail of vitality and wilderness. The artists link their works in...

‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’, Dornbirn, various locations

11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 In today's world, it is more important than ever to deal with sustainability, resource conservation, etc. As part of Creative Week Austria,...


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