“Take The A-Train” / Salzburg 2018

13. – 16.09.2018; Salzburg. A flamboyant jazz festival at and around the main station Salzburg. The international jazz festival"Take the A-Train" features unusual venues around the train station...

Come on! / Wien Museum, Vienna

24.10.2024 – 09.02.2025 One city, 15 young people: Jews and Muslims. What happens when they meet? Is it inevitably about the Middle East conflict? About...
ANIADA A Noar and the Friulian trio ALTRIOH bring violin, flute, accordion, mandolin, bagpipes and many other instruments with them. Photo © Marilina Mariscutti

Music Festival grad & schräg 2023 / KulturHaus Straden, Styria

31.08. – 03.09.2023 At the somewhat different music festival grad & oblique you can experience a top-class selection of new Austrian folk music. BROADLAHN report...

MUSEUM TOTAL 2024 / Linz, various locations

22.02.2024 – 25.02.2024 Art and culture allow us to play with forms of expression and points of view. That's why Linz's museums are once again...

EisenerZ*ART: Herbert Eichholzer – BLAUPAUSE Eisenerz / Steiermark

18.08. – 16.10. 2022 Herbert Eichholzer made a significant contribution to shaping the European avant-garde with his architectural and design work. He worked in Paris as...
Federspiel © Helmut Wimmer / Ganymedbridge

Ganymed Bridge / Art History and Natural History Museum Vienna

5.5. - 14.10.2023 Art responds to art. Directly immediately, in front of the respective work. Ganymed is a new form of museum and theater in which...

The Last Days of Franz Kafka / Exhibition in Venice – Cultural Forum Milan

until 30.10.2024 In the last days of his life in 1924, Franz Kafka was no longer allowed to speak, so he wrote down what he...

Man, world and thing. A region tells / Schloss Trautenfels, Styria

23.03.2024 – 03.11.2024 The special exhibition Man, world and thing. A region tellsits story, curated by Katharina Krenn and Wolfgang Otte, opens up a dialogue...

“PrivacyWeek – generations” / Volkskundemuseum Wien 2018

22. – 28.10.2018; Wien. The right to privacy is a fundamental human right A right which is eroding continually. A few years ago Chaos Computer Club Wien,...

“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz

22.09. – 15.10.2017 steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous. Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...


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