“Elevate Festival” / Graz 2018

28.02. – 04.03.2018; Graz. Courage & Risk: Festival for Music, Art & Discourse. Elevate, the Graz festival for electronic music, art and political discourse, is once again...

Linz Kulturcard 365

Linz - Cultural Capital of Europe has had a lasting impact. The introduction of the Linz Kulturcard 365, which allows admission to 11 museums...

“FAQ Bregenzerwald” / Vorarlberg 2018

06.09 – 09.09.2018; Bregenzerwald. FAQ – Bregenzerwald is a forum in festival-style that caters to gourmands’ needs and deals with “Frequently Asked Questions”. Ongoing changes give...

“Africa Days Vienna 2019” / Donauinsel, Wien

09.08. - 26.08.2019; Vienna. African music on the Danube Island in Vienna: a festival sets an example for tolerance and understanding between cultures. African vitality and...

“Keimzelle – Produktionsstandort Salzburg” / Periscope

10.05 – 20.06.2018; Salzburg. Art is not just about the body, but also about ideas! 19 artists linked to the periscope project will move a part...

ARS ELECTRONICA Festival / Linz 2018

06.09. – 10.09.2018; Linz. Festival for art, technology and society. What is divergent behaviour? What is an error? Who can assess this? According to which criteria?...

“16. Chiala Afrika Festival” / Oeverseepark, Graz

05.07.2019 - 07.07.2019; Graz Graz "united in diversity" at Chiala Afrika Festival. The Chiala Africa Festival celebrates African culture in all its colours and forms for...

Auf ins Wolkenkuckucksheim / OÖ Kulturquartier Linz

10.07. until 15.09.2020. Invitingly, the hammocks stretched out by Michael Kienzer bob in the wind: since July 10, the Höhenrausch roof has mutated into...

“Ars Electronica Festival: Out of the Box – The Midlife-Crisis of the Digital Revolution”...

05.09.2019 - 09.09.2019; Linz. The Ars Electronica Festival navigates through the Digital Revolution. Roberto Viola occupies one of the central positions for the development of Europe’s...

Culture is the overcoming of barbarism

Law, and in particular international law, is a cultural achievement of mankind. It creates the foundation on which people have the possibility, at least in...


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