“Water – enjoy – use – fear” / Volkskunde Museum Monatsschlössl Hellbrunn, Salzburg

23.03.2024 – 01.11.2024 In the current exhibition, objects from the museum's collections are juxtaposed with scientific findings and statistics on the enjoyment, consumption and dangers...

“Do it Yourself! Europe.” / Linz

25.04.2017; Ursulinensaal Linz. Overcoming fears is the focus of this year’s Crossing Europe festival. Film giant Ingmar Bergmann once summed it up as, “There are no...

Die Arbeit in und an der Zukunft / Ars Electronica Center, Linz

08.06. – 12.09.2021. PUPPETS ON A STRING?„Working in and on the future“ at the Ars Electronica Center Linz: Is Artificial Intelligence going to tell us,...

Kenny Schachter – Keep Hope Alive / Francisco Carolinum Linz

06.09.2023 – 28.01.2024 New York-based artist, curator, lecturer and critic Kenny Schachter is deeply involved with crypto art and NFTs. Schachter also likes to question...
Foto: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Belgrade 2022 / austriakulturdigital

The Vienna Circle in Berlin / Kulturforum Berlin

10.01. - 20.02.2023 The exhibition at the Humboldt University shows the Vienna Circle - one of the most influential groups in 20th-century philosophy. The exhibition...
c Karl Neubacher / steirischer herbst

steirischer herbst – Video- & Online Archive

"No apocalypse not now" is the titel of a performance, that can be seen among many other videos in the video archive of steirischer...

Linz Bubble Days / Linzer Hafen

03. – 04.06.2022. The somewhat different harbour festival is back! For the tenth anniversary, a unique happening is on offer, with lots of action & extreme...
»Mélas de Saturne« © Josèfa Ntjam & Sean Hart / CIVA 2023

Intangible Care – CIVA Festival 2023 / various locations, Vienna

17.2. - 26.2.2023 Under the title »Intangible Care«, the Vienna media art festival CIVA offers a ten-day hybrid program of exhibitions, talks, film screenings and...

Buch Wien – Fair and Festival 2024 / Messegelände & various locations, Vienna

20.11.2024 – 24.11.2024 In 2024, visitors with a thirst for reading can once again expect a linguistic firework display, literary experience and knowledge building. 511...

Sanatorium Süßmilch – Sophia Süßmilch / Francisco Carolinum Linz

10.10.2023 - 09.11.2023 How one manages to function in this world in the face of war, inflation, climate catastrophe, patriarchy, etc., how one perseveres and...


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