Musik zum Abtanzen © Markus Rauchmann / 5020 Festival

5020 Festival 2023 / various locations, Salzburg

30.6. – 15.7.2023 Stepping stone biotopes for Salzburg’s youth. Under the motto “Salzburg is Wyld!”, the festival once again offers a great line-up despite the...

“murSZENE 2019” / Mariahilferplatz, Graz

18.07.2019 - 10.08.2019; Graz This is what summer sounds like in Graz! World music at Mariahilferplatz. Klezmer meets Jazz & Funk, Africa is just around the...

Bludenz Days of Contemporary Music 2024 / Remise, Bludenz

26.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 This autumn, the Remise Bludenz will once again host music that is not only contemporary, but also modern and extremely youthful. The...

Neue Online Formate / Oper Graz

The Graz Opera offers two new online formats that promise variety: "Opera meets Pop" and "5 minutes of classical music". At "Opera meets Pop",...

Resonanzen: In Feierlaune / Konzerthaus, Wien

22. – 30.01.2022. Hip! Hip! Hooray! Another Early Music Day! After the 29th edition of our Early Music Festival, which was shattered due to Corona, but...

Jazzbühne Lech / Lech, Vorarlberg

12-16.08.2020. It's jazz again in Lech: in August five days are dedicated to jazz. The Lech Jazz Stage has once again done its best...

“Styrian Sounds Festival” / Graz 2018

22.11 – 24.11.2018; Graz. Festival of Styrian pop culture. This three-day event presents Styrian pop music live on stage. It's an annual local "Come together" in the...
Der Name ist Programm – Jumping Matt ist bekannt für seine hochenergetischen Performances © Jumpung Matt / leibnitzkult

Leibnitz Blues Days 2023 / Altes Kino, Leibnitz, Styria

19.4. - 22.4.2023 Leibnitz has the blues - for 4 days!  "The Night of the Youngbloods" with young up-and-coming musicians will take place, as will the...

“Bill Fontana – Sonic Projections” / Graz

13.03.2020 – 07.06.2020; Graz. Graz remains connected, from Schloßberg to Kunsthaus. A dialogical sound project for the urban space. Graz sounds good when the American sound...

“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz

22.09. – 15.10.2017 steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous. Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...


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