Holy Hydra / Afo Linz

11. - 12.09.2020 For the third time the interdisciplinary event "Holy Hydra" will take place in Linz, this time Urfahr. "Holy Hydra", inspired by the...

Winter Dance Days 2025 /Sonnenstein Loft, Linz

03.01.2025 – 06.01.2025In 2025, the Winter Dance Days once again invite you to an extended weekend full of dance and movement for all ages...
DIE KABARETT, Eva Karl Faltermeier, Foto: © Ingo Pertramer

DIE KABARETT. Round the sixth / kleines theater – Haus der freien Szene, Salzburg

22.2. - 25.2.2023 Full power cabaret!The special thing about the festival that shouldn't be special: WOMEN! An all-female cabaret festival. So far the only one...


26.08. – 27.08.2022 Nobody sits still at this festival: The CHIALA Africa Festival brings the great cultural diversity of Africa to the Augarten in Graz. The...
Kafka in Farbe, Foto: © Joel Schweizer

Kafka in Color / Vorarlberger Landestheater, Bregenz

19.01. - 02.02.2023 No more conventional Kafka reception! One usually associates dark themes, existentialist and dystopian, dark and difficult with Franz Kafka's novels and short...
Max Riccabona 1991 in Hörbranz © Sepp Dreissinger / Vorarlberger Landestheater

DESIRE AND RESISTANCE. A survival story / Vorarlberger Landestheater, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

11.2. - 26.2.2023 The incredible life of Max Riccabona - a Vorarlberg mystery, to which the Vorarlberg Theater is dedicated in the form of a...

Vienna Climate Biennale 2024 / Vienna, various locations

05.04.2024 – 14.07.2024 For 100 days, the focus will be on the potential of art, design, architecture and science with regard to a sustainable and...

steirischer herbst 2024 – Horror Patriae / Graz, Styria

19.09.2024 – 13.10.2024 Nationalism - whether newly burgeoning, smouldering or never extinguished - continues to spread worldwide. Danger recognised, danger averted, you might think. In...

Linzer Klangwolke / Donaupark, Linz

09.09.2023 Once again, international artists enchant Linz at the annual Linzer Klangwolke. Between Lentos and Brucknerhaus, the Danube Park is transformed into a gigantic performance...

Keynote Speaker Julian Nida-Rümelin / Salzburg Festival

17.07. – 31.08.2021. A HUMANIST UTOPIA - Julian Nida-Rümelin was invited to give the keynote address at this year's Salzburg Festival. With a plea for...


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