Milo Rau „Everywoman“ / Salzburger Festspiele

19. - 28.08.2020 The Salzburg Festival is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Throughout this century, one theater play has remained the central constant of...

#dif22 Donauinselfest Vienna 2022

More colorful, more diverse, more interactive, more inclusive: the Donauinselfest (Danube Island Festival) will once again transform the island into Vienna's largest open-air arena...


26.08. – 27.08.2022 Nobody sits still at this festival: The CHIALA Africa Festival brings the great cultural diversity of Africa to the Augarten in Graz. The...

“Africa Days Vienna 2019” / Donauinsel, Wien

09.08. - 26.08.2019; Vienna. African music on the Danube Island in Vienna: a festival sets an example for tolerance and understanding between cultures. African vitality and...

tanz_house festival 2021: Hold on / Arge Kultur, Salzburg

17.09. – 13.10.2021. If you keep it with John Cage, then art is a form of life. This is at least the introductory sentence...

“Schäxpir – Theaterfestival für junges Publikum” / Linz 2019

24.06. – 30.06.2019; Linz. Schäxpir-Theaterfestival for a young audiance. A Festival for the audience of today, from grandparents to grandchild all are addressed - with everything...

“Elevate Festival – Truth” / Graz 2019

27.02. – 03.03.2019; Graz. The "truth" and its many "scary" siblings. The Elevate Festival for music, art and political discourse transforms Graz into a hotspot of...
Die Compagnie Marie Chouinard huldigt in "M" dem Lebendigsein zwischen Wahnsinn und Weisheit. © Sylvie Ann Pare

ImPulsTanz 2023 / various locations, Vienna

6.7. – 6.8.2023 The 40th edition of the ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival promises an eventful summer and transforms Vienna into a vibrant and...

“Bezau Beatz 2019” / Bezau, Vorarlberg

08.08. – 10.08.2019; Vorarlberg. Birds chirping, brooks whispering and no quiet sounds at all. Music connects. Big music in the middle of a small village. The...

“” / Graz

16.07.2019 - 20.07.2019; Graz Vocal madness in Graz: The vocal scene gathers at the international A Capella competition. Every year, vocal ensembles from all over the...


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