InTaKT Festival 2024 / Graz, Styria, various locations

07.11.2024 – 11.11.2024 The InTaKT Festival is an inclusive dance, culture and theatre festival created by and for people with disabilities. Over five days, the...

Virtueller Adventkalender / Landestheater Linz & Bruckner Orchester Linz

No less than 24 contemplative, musical and simply impressive contributions are promised by the Landestheater Linz and the Bruckner Orchestra Linz: on December 1...
Spitting Ibex Band © Max Hofstetter/ Kammgarn

Kammgarn Summer Sessions 23 / Kammgarn Areal, Hard, Vorarlberg

22.6. - 24.6.2023 The complete variety of programs of the Kulturwerkstatt Kammgarn is presented in a compact form over a weekend directly on the Kammgarn...

“Luaga & Losna 2018” / Feldkirch

03.09. – 07.09.2018; Vorarlberg. "look and listen" Theatre Festival for Children’s & Youth Theatre in Vorarlbergerisch. The International Theatre Festival for Children’s & Youth Theatre takes place...

spleen*graz 2022: 9. International theater festival for young audiences!

24.06. – 02.07.2022. 9 days of international and local contemporary theater art for young audiences! The festival spleen*graz conquers Graz with theater productions for young audiences...

Brisant. Theater das verändert / Online-Forumtheater Festival

16. – 27.11.2021. What started live in the Theater im Lend is now continued online! Two weeks of theater that addresses current socio-political challenges. Questions are...

“Salzburg Performance Days 2019” / ARGEkultur, Salzburg

13.04.2019 - 18.04.2019; Salzburg The Salzburg Performance Days enter the city with contemporary dance and performance art. As part of the workshop-program by tanzimpulse the Salzburg...
The School of Narrative Dance: Little Chaos, 2013 © Marinella Senatore

Marinella Senatore. We Rise by Lifting Others / Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

22.4. - 8.10.2023 Marinella Senatore is a central figure in Italian contemporary art. Working in a range of media, she develops creative strategies that have...

InTaKT Festival 2023 / Graz, Styria, various locations

10.11.2023 – 28.11.2023 With the InTaKT Festival, an inclusive dance, culture and theatre festival was created by and for people with disabilities. Over 19 days,...

Ö-Slam 2022 / Vorarlberg

15.09. – 17.09. 2022 A few years ago, the figureheads of the Austrian slam scene, Mieze Medusa and Markus Köhle, launched the Ö-Slam, the „Austrian...


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