Fight the Right / Arge Salzburg

09. – 13.03.2022. Anti-fascist actionism against the right! In the thematic focus FIGHT THE RIGHT, Arge Salzburg faces the questions: What is fascism? What is anti-fascism?...

Cancelled! 21. Österreichische Theatersport-Meisterschaften / Posthof, Linz

01. – 04.12.2021. They compete and measure their theatrical greatness! an ihrer theatralischen Größe! A year off, like almost everywhere else, and now it's that time...

Vienna Climate Biennale 2024 / Vienna, various locations

05.04.2024 – 14.07.2024 For 100 days, the focus will be on the potential of art, design, architecture and science with regard to a sustainable and...

“Posthof Summer Sessions” / Pöstlingberg Linz

09.07. | 19.07. | 24.07. | 11.08.2017; Rosengarten am Pöstlingberg. Posthof Summer Sessions. This summer, four acts enrich the summer sessions at the Rosengarten Pöstlingberg: Cat...

“Vienna Festival” / Vienna

10.05.2019 - 16.06.2019; Vienna Art in the here and now with room for imagination and contradiction. The new festival director Christoph Slagmuylder seeks contact with the...

“tanz ist – surprises” / Spielboden Dornbirn

01.11. – 04.11.2017; Dornbirn. "tanz ist – surprises" in Spielboden Dornbirn. The next “tanz ist suprises“ presents the latest from the international and mainstream-free dance and...
Erwachsenenbeschimpfung /

Adult Abuse – Youth Without God and Without Anything Else Either / TaO! Theater...

12.01. - 12.05.2023 What burns young people under their fingernails and what drives them mad? In TaO! not only will the meaningfulness of established institutions...

“grazERZÄHLT” Storytellingfestival, Graz

24.05.2019 - 23.06.2019; Graz Folke Tegetthoff's International Storytelling Festival stops by in Graz. Tell, listen and be heard. This is the aim of the international storytelling...
Compaña de Circo "eia",

Cirque Noël Graz / Orpheum Graz

21.12.2022 – 8.1.2023 Cirque Noël presents breathtaking acrobatics, subtle choreography and a thoughtful clown artist at Christmas time in the Graz Orpheum and invites three...
Utopisch nostalgische Fantasien von SARAH EDITH: Elefanten in Blutadern, Foto © Manuel Kreuzer

Schäxpir 2023 – Theater Festival for Young Audiences / various locations, Linz

14.6. - 24.6.2023 Schäxpir 2023 is dedicated to magic. Theater is a magical place where stories are created from stories, stories about stories are told...


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