Tag: Posthof

Black Humour Festival / Posthof, Linz

07. – 20.05.2022. Is it okay to make fun of environmental destruction, the future of our planet and the survival of our own species? Should Count...

TanzTage 2022 / Posthof, Linz

20.03. – 22.04.2022. What does the world of today do to us? What happens when we can't enter into the usual interpersonal exchange? What if we...

Cancelled! 21. Österreichische Theatersport-Meisterschaften / Posthof, Linz

01. – 04.12.2021. They compete and measure their theatrical greatness! an ihrer theatralischen Größe! A year off, like almost everywhere else, and now it's that time...

10 Jahre Ahoi!Pop / Posthof Linz

18.10. – 17.12.2021. No Music in 2020, but Now! After last year's everything dropped out and switched to virtual, which is very hard to do at...

Ahoi Pop Sommer ’21 / Posthof Linz

09. - 14.07.2021. Wanda, Folkshilfe & Edmund, Sido: the Linz concert summer is saved. Anyone who has ever seen the polarizing rapper and entertainer Sido...


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