Tag: Unesco City of Design

Sustainable Cities: Online Panel Discussion | UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020

UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020 Day 3: Online Panel Diskussion about Sustainable Cities, 7. Oktober 2020 In light of climate change and...

Smart Cities: Online Panel Discussion | UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020

UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020 Day2: Online Panel Diskussion about Smart Cities, 6. Oktober 2020 A number of urban development projects have...

Social Design: Online Panel Diskussion | UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020

UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting 2020 Day 1: Online Panel Diskussion about Social Design, 5. Oktober 2020 Which instruments and processes can be...

What can we do?

UNESCO Creative Cities Network – Actionable ideas in international exchange.  More than 240 cities worldwide are members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network today. Film,...

UNESCO Creative Cities Network

Best-practice examples, interviews and discussionsabout social, sustainable and smart cities:How do we want to live? And what can we do to make our cities...


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