„Through the Pen of Others: 19th Century Views of Revolutionary Greece“ / Austrian Embassy...

08. – 11.12.2021. The Faculty of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrias University of Athens, in the framework of the 200th anniversary since the beginning...

Online Veranstaltung „Stadt der Frauen“ / HDA, Graz

11.11.2020, 19:00Uhr  The (online) event series "Stat der Frauen" is dedicated to the topic of gender-equitable mobility. The Haus der Architektur explores the question of...

Österreichs Handlungsoptionen zur Umsetzung der UN-Agenda 2030 für eine lebenswerte Zukunft / Universität für...

02.12.2021. Over the past 3 years, the Uninetz project has developed around 150 options for action and over 1000 measures for implementing the 2030 Agenda...

#voicesfrom Online Talk: Listening Pauses #2

25.11.2020. A talk format from kulturen in bewegung. The artist and activist Katu Mirim, the Collectivo Trenza and the Collective Anti-colonial Interventions will conduct a...

Lockdown Jahresbilanz Literatur, Kultur und Gesellschaft / Literaturhaus Graz, online

09. / 16. / 23.03.2021. The Literaturhaus Graz brings 3 online streams online: Three online discussion rounds on the topic of lockdown are produced...

Cinema Next Breakfast Club @ Youki / Oberöstereich

21.11.2020, 11.00 – 12.00Uhr. The Cinema Next Breakfast Club - known from the Diagonale - will this time take place at the Youth Media...

Arge Kultur from the archive / Online

Treasures in hiding. In order to pass the time until the end of the quarantine better and more sensibly, the Arge Kultur Salzburg does what...

ResiliArt Talk: Current challenges of international cultural exchange / Online Talk

10.12.2020, 17:30 – 20:00Uhr via Zoom. In three tandem panels and video performances by Elisabeth Tambwe, the current challenges facing artists and cultural practitioners...

Ausnahmegespräche / Online, Youtube-Channel

Austrian authors and their new publications are presented in a conversation with a reading. These talks are moderated by Katja Gasser, head of ORF's...

Soho in Ottakring / Online

06.06. until 20.06.2020. Soho in Ottakring will be online this year from 06 to 20 June 2020, and this year's "Ottakring" will focus...

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