NYC – This is Us / Online

NYC - This is Us is a music project initiated by the Austrian Cultural Forum New York in cooperation with Austrian artists based in...

FM4 Stay at Home Sessions / Online

The best for staying at home. The daily "FM4 Stay at Home Sessions" are small live concerts your home. At 7 p.m. a concert or...

Club Weltenklang: Laura Beth Salter & Calum MacGrimmon / Online

31.05.2020, 21.00Uhr Two immensely talented and busy "lighting figures" of the Scottish scene, Laura Beth and Calum, come together for an online concert on YouTube....

Klaus Falschlunger Saturday Night Sitar Sessions / Online

20., 27.06.2020 The sitar player and musician Klaus Falschlunger will give two live concerts on June 20 and June 27, 2020, which can be watched...

Mozartwoche / online

End of January 2021. The Mozart Week will take place in 2021 purely online. The festival, which takes place annually around Mozart's birthday, January...

The Base Konzert / Online

On 25 May at 07.00pm, The Base will broadcast a studio concert especially for the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels live on Facebook. Norbert Wally (vocals...

Virtual Jazz Exchange: Sain Mus in concert / Online

In cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum in London, the Austrian musicians of Sain Mus will play an online concert. The duo project Sain...

Soho in Ottakring / Online

06.06. until 20.06.2020. Soho in Ottakring will be online this year from 06 to 20 June 2020, and this year's "Ottakring" will focus...

Musikvideo-Adventkalender online / Cinema Next

It's back: the Cinema Next Advent calendar. 2020 - the year of senseless deprivation - so Cinema Next - what better way to counteract...

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