Virtual Jazz Exchange: Sain Mus in concert / Online

In cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum in London, the Austrian musicians of Sain Mus will play an online concert. The duo project Sain...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2020

03.02.2020 - 29.02.2020; Feldkirch. Montforter Zwischentöne about losing oneself, in the world and in music. Funerals, competitions and meditations: The first edition of the Montforter Zwischentöne(eng. nuances)...

Die Pforte balcony concerts / Feldkirch

balcony with music. The Ensemble die Pforte brings a concert of various orientations to YouTube every day, following the Italian balcony concerts. Musicians colleagues of...

“Homestage Festival – Digital Festival with Crowdfunding campaign” / Online

From 27th to 29th of March 2020, the Homestage Festival will take place, a purely digital festival that will be held exclusively online. For...

FM4 Stay at Home Sessions / Online

The best for staying at home. The daily "FM4 Stay at Home Sessions" are small live concerts your home. At 7 p.m. a concert or...

Kultur inklusiv / Graz Kulturjahr 2020

01.12.2020 - 28.05.2021. Theme days Music and Inclusion. There are many invisible barriers in the culture industry that lock out people with disabilities, preventing them...

Quarta 4 Countries Youth Philharmonic online / Vorarlberg

Youth to the instruments. The Quarta 4 Länder Jugendphilharmonie offers six concert recordings on its website for listening. Beethoven with the Triple Concerto and the...

Porgy & Bess Wien / Online

The legendary Jazz Club will broadcast a series of its concerts planned for April live on the Internet. Among others, the Max Nagl Trio...

Tage der Utopie 2021 / Götzis, Vorarlberg

26.04. – 01.05.2021. This year the "Tage der Utopie" will take place again in Götzis, Vorarlberg. The biennial festival for "a good future" presents...

Klaus Falschlunger Saturday Night Sitar Sessions / Online

20., 27.06.2020 The sitar player and musician Klaus Falschlunger will give two live concerts on June 20 and June 27, 2020, which can be watched...

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