Henk Stolk – Intertwined Relationships / Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim bei Wels, Upper Austria

28.04.2024 – 06.10.2024 With his expressive, figurative paintings, Henk Stolk takes us on a journey through the various phases of relationships: From the first encounter,...

Poetry of the everyday. Photographs by Elfriede Mejchar / Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg

26.04.2024 – 15.09.2024 The Museum der Moderne Salzburg is part of a cooperation with the Landesgalerie Niederösterreich and the Wien Museum, which is honouring the...

Gregory Crewdson – Retrospektive / Albertina, Vienna

29.05.2024 – 08.09.2024 Gregory Crewdson is one of the most internationally renowned photographers. Since the mid-1980s, Crewdson has been using the backdrop of small American...

My advice for life / Wien Museum MUSA

09.05.20224 – 15.09.2024 They are often labelled as a vulnerable group and often not given much attention - older people. But they offer a wealth...

Jongsuk Yoon Kumgangsan / mumok, Vienna

07.06.2024 – 15.08.2024 South Korean-born artist Jongsuk Yoon presents a newly conceived mural for the museum foyer to mark the reopening of the mumok. Following...

Isabel Lewis, Dirk Bell – Ever/Repair / HALLE FÜR KUNST, Graz, Styria

22.06.2024 – 01.09.2024 The HALLE FÜR KUNST is showing the group of works In Repair (2023) as a room-filling arrangement for the first time. In...

Gernot Riedmann – Pedigrees on a journey / vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

27.04.2024 – 30.06.2024 Gernot Riedmann has been working on his extensive "ancestor cycle" since the 1990s. Using a small chainsaw, he cuts motifs into wooden...

Wiener Melange / AG18 Gallery, Vienna

02.05.2024 – 15.06.2024 The exhibition reflects "the new pluralisation", as the Viennese philosopher Isolde Charim calls it. The pluralisation of lifestyles and populations that is...

Verweile doch / kunstGarten, Graz

11.05.2024 – 23.06.2024 Three women - Renate Krammer / A (pictures), Heidi Kämpfer / CH (installations) & Gertrud Pinkus / CH (film) - try to...

Julius Deutschbauer – The posters are still up/ FOTOHOF, Salzburg

until 01.06.2024 For over 30 years now, Julius Deutschbauer has been developing a complex artistic oeuvre that is highly visible and always up-to-date in the...


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