“Schau Graz!” / GrazMuseum

17.05. – 10.09.2018; Graz. Exhibition showing 426 positions to the current situation of the city Graz. 426 photographs that document the social present state of Graz...

“Obsession Zeichnen” / BRUSEUM Graz

02.03. – 02.09.2018; Graz. Obsession with Drawing. The work of ten young artists from Europe will be exhibited at the so called BRUSEUM. This exhibition, curated...

“Vjenceslav Richter: Retrospektive” / Neue Galerie Graz

03.03. – 02.09.2018; Graz. Architecture and visual art. This exhibition, curated by Vesna Mestric, presents Vjenceslav Richter's architectonic and artistic work, which where made between 1947 and...

“Glaube Liebe Hoffnung – 800 Jahre Diözese Graz-Seckau” / Kunsthaus Graz

13.04. – 26.08.2018; Graz. Verbindung zwischen Kunst und Kirche im Kunsthaus Graz. Diözese Graz-Seckau is celebrating its anniversary with an unusual project that combines contemporary art...

“man stelle stelle sich vor: Sille” / OÖ Kunstverein

31.05. – 27.06.2018; Linz. "Silence" dramaturgically used. Silence as a dramaturgically used stylistic device in music, theatre and film; as a pause in a conversation with...

“Generali Foundation: 30 Years” / Museum der Moderne Salzburg 2018

21.04. - 08.07.2018; Museum der Moderne Salzburg. In Dialog with 1918 1938 1968. In five exhibitions, the exhibition series presents conceptual and performative art of...

“Creative Robotics” / Ars Electronica Center; Linz

09.05. – 30.06.2018; Linz. Creative Robotics. Robots misused by creative minds from architecture, art and design: Can industrial robots be used to create fashion design? What does a...

“Shaping Human Cities” / GrazMuseum

Bis 24.06.2018; Graz. Urbane Experimente aus elf europäischen Städten. Why do we feel comfortable or uncomfortable in a city? What makes it livable? Do we have the freedom to shape...

“Katarina Zdjelar” – Video Installation / Salzburger Kunstverein

13.04. – 08.07.2018; Salzburg. Seams and loopholes between music and singing. Artist Katarina Zdjelar from Belgrade deals with languages and cultural expressions in various facets. Moving...

“blühen.kunst.alles” / Botanischer Garten Linz

23.06. – 28.10.2018; Linz. Consciously placed artistic interventions in the Botanical Garden Linz expand the perception of nature Cultivated nature as an experimental space for students of...


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