Flora Miranda – Time To Tech Up 
Fashion Week Haute Couture Online / Kulturforum...

15.07.2020. Among the young designers who present their independent creations on the fringes of the Haute-Couture-Defilées is the Austrian fashion designer Flora Miranda. She...

The Better Living Challenge in Kapstadt, South-Africa

The Better Living Challenge in Cape Town is a series of design-led projects that aim to improve living and housing conditions in Cape Town,...

Videoproject from honey&bunny / Online

To mark the annual focus on environment and sustainability, the Austrian Cultural Forum (ÖKF) London presents a critical examination of the theme of food...

Es begann mit Ilse Aichinger (1921-2021) / Kulturforum Mailand, #austriakulturdigital

30.11.2021 Nov. 1, 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger and her twin sister Helga. In the photo...

“The Art of Painting” online / KHM, Wien

The Jan Vermeer exhibition in the Kunsthistorisches Museum can now be experienced digitally, at least in part. The portrait "The Art of Painting" illustrates...

Landgespräche / HDA Graz Online

29.09. – 27.10.2020. As an accompaniment to the exhibition "Landleben" in the HDA Haus der Architektur in Graz, online panels via zoom will be...

Online exhibitions / Online 

Austrian International Culture has launched a new website: exhibitions, engl. online exhibitions. On this homepage, selected exhibitions of the Federal Ministry for European and...

Haus des Meeres Livestream / Haus des Meeres, Wien

It is not for nothing that the Haus des Meeres is so popular with families with children. The museum in the 6th district of...

Nordico online / Nordico Stadtmuseum, Linz

The Stadtmuseum Nordico in Linz convinces with a compact online offer. On the museum's homepage you can find information about the Corona collection project...

Sophie Thun “Stolberggasse” / Secession, Wien

A current exhibition at the Secession Vienna takes place digitally on the Secession website. A livestream shows a darkroom, which the artist has set...

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