Tag: Arge Kultur

ARME LEUTE (VON HEUTE) / Arge Salzburg & Theater der Mitte, Salzburg

31.03. – 29.04.2022. Write me a letter from life! They live on the same street in a poor neighborhood and correspond only by letter. Sounds corny,...

Fight the Right / Arge Salzburg

09. – 13.03.2022. Anti-fascist actionism against the right! In the thematic focus FIGHT THE RIGHT, Arge Salzburg faces the questions: What is fascism? What is anti-fascism?...

PERFORMdANCE #32 – International Workshop & Performance Festival / Tanzimpulse, Salzburg

09. – 14.04.2022. It’s all about dance! Tanzimpulse Salzburg, in cooperation with ARGEkultur, organizes a colorful and diverse program with exciting, cheeky, humorous and touching productions....

MotzArt Festival / ARGE Salzburg

22.01. - 11.02.2022. Das MotzArt Festival wird 40! Da sich heuer aber Corona eingeschlichen hat und eine adäquate Jubliäumsausgabe nicht möglich ist, hat man sich auf...

Open Mind Festival ’21

Chthulucene - "Make kin, not babies" is the motto of this year's festival. "Make kin, not babies!" demands the feminist, biologist, philosopher and science theorist...


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