Tag: Foto

PAS DE DEUX / Fotogalerie Wien

05.04. – 07.05.2022. The dance of two photo galleries! With this Austrian-French exchange project, two galleries, the FOTOGALERIE WIEN and the GALERIE VRAIS RÊVES in Lyon...

Foto Wien

09. – 27.03.2022. Vienna under the sign of photography! In March, the festival FOTO WIEN takes place with more than 140 exhibitions and over 300 events...

intimacy/privacy / FORUM STADTPARK, Graz

12.02. – 05.03.2022. Every entering into relationship has something intimate! We meet each other at our borders! Photography as an image can be representative. But it...

Randa Mirza „Beirutopia & View from Home“ / Fotohof, Salzburg

12.08. – 25.09.2021. Dichotomy and juxtaposition: in the exhibition dedicated to her at the Fotohof, Randa Mirza shows virtual real estate renderings against the...


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