“Who was 1968?” / NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz und Lentos

28.09.2018 – 24.02.2019; Linz. World restructuring at Berger Mami. The awakening post 1968 brought long term changes to Linz The exhibitions at two museums in Linz,...

“Artificial Paradise? Immersion in space and time” / Künstlerhaus Graz

23.09.2018 – 29.11.2018; Graz. At the festival steirischer herbst 2018 the Künstlerhaus explores immersive pictorial spaces and lets forget the real world around. The wonderland becomes...

“Congo Stars” / Kunsthaus Graz

23.09.2018 - 20.01.2019; Graz. Cultural wealth, characteristics and traditions of locally oriented popular Congolese painting from the 1960s to today. The exhibition “Congo Stars“ at Kunsthaus...

“stART 2018: Hymnen und Lieder des 21. Jahrhunderts” / ARGEkultur Salzburg

21. & 22. & 25.09.2018; Salzburg. Leaving behind patriotic and populist hymns for current songs that promote a healthy, pluralistic coexistence. Eighteen “hymns“ composed by multicultural...

“Stand Ort Wechsel – Häuser im Wandel” / Traklhaus Salzburg

21.9. – 10.11.2018; Salzburg. Time grinds slowly and forms out of all new old. Doing so it leaves traces that pave the way for a new...

“steirischer herbst ’18 – Volksfronten” / Graz

20.09. – 14.10.2018; Graz. Volksfronten in motion. steirischer herbst detects the little “fascisms of everyday life”. steirischer herbst’s new programme director Ekaterina Degot is in a frontline position:...

Linz Art- and Designsalon 2018

15.09. – 16.09.2018; Designsalon until 21.10.2018; Linz. The right makes all the difference. The exhibition “Same Same But Different“, which is part of Designsalon Linz, raises...

“Take The A-Train” / Salzburg 2018

13. – 16.09.2018; Salzburg. A flamboyant jazz festival at and around the main station Salzburg. The international jazz festival"Take the A-Train" features unusual venues around the train station...

Anna Boghiguian / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

26.07. - 04.11.2018; Salzburg. Trade routes, slavery and the consequences on cotton sails. Sabine Breitwieser, curator of the exhibition, presents works of Anna Boghiguian. The Egyptian-Canadian...

“dotdotdot …” / Volkskundemuseum Wien

03.07. – 24.08.2018; Vienna. Barrier-free open-air cinema hits the spot: We’re in this together now! Just imagine, your bare toes dig through fresh grass, a gentle summer...


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