“Shaping Human Cities” / GrazMuseum

Bis 24.06.2018; Graz. Urbane Experimente aus elf europäischen Städten. Why do we feel comfortable or uncomfortable in a city? What makes it livable? Do we have the freedom to shape...

“Katarina Zdjelar” – Video Installation / Salzburger Kunstverein

13.04. – 08.07.2018; Salzburg. Seams and loopholes between music and singing. Artist Katarina Zdjelar from Belgrade deals with languages and cultural expressions in various facets. Moving...

“blühen.kunst.alles” / Botanischer Garten Linz

23.06. – 28.10.2018; Linz. Consciously placed artistic interventions in the Botanical Garden Linz expand the perception of nature Cultivated nature as an experimental space for students of...

“Mischa Resak: Im Fluss” / Galerie Zwergelgarten Salzburg

14.6. – 10.8.2018; Salzburg. Exhibition: Im Fluss. (In the river.) The pavilion that can be found in Salzburg-based Zwergerlgarten (dwarf garden) is one of the city’s...

“Alexander Kluge” / Belvedere 21

06.06. - 30.09.2018; Wien. Pluriversum: Die poetische Kraft der Theorie. Using images, films, texts and objects, Kluge creates ever new contexts in his installations. The work exhibition...

“Keimzelle – Produktionsstandort Salzburg” / Periscope

10.05 – 20.06.2018; Salzburg. Art is not just about the body, but also about ideas! 19 artists linked to the periscope project will move a part...

“DonauArt” / Linz

24.05. - 14.10.2018; Linz. "Everything flows!" DonauArt at Linz. The Danube shapes the flow of life in Linz. The large open spaces that can be found...

“summerexhibitions” / Kulturtankstelle; Linz

24.05. – 03.06.2018 | 08.06. – 22.06.2018; Linz TIARA LINZ The Sky is made of Panels | Clean Cube – Zur Kritk der Reinen Vernunft. The kulturtankstelle of...

“Days of Architecture” / Salzburg 2018

08.06. – 09.06.2018; Salzburg. The future is better than its reputation. Open studios, houses and construction sites throughout Salzburg can be visited online via live streaming....

“Schwerpunkt Design” / Exhibition in Traklhaus Salzburg

30.03. – 15.05.2018; Salzburg. Design by professionals hands. From Salzburg in comparison .... Which design ideas from Salzburg have pushed their way through? The Traklhaus shows...


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