“Post Otto Wagner: Von der Postsparkasse zur Postmoderne” / MAK Wien

30.05. – 30.09.2018; Wien. Otto Wagner as the “father of modernism”? The MAK tries to point out the context and the interaction between him and outstanding...

“Hannah Perry” / Ausstellung im Künstlerhaus Graz

30.06. – 09.09.2018; Graz. Raumfüllende Installationen. In der von Jürgen Dehm kuratierten Ausstellung zeigt die britische Künstlerin Hannah Perry Fragmente von "Found Footage-Videos" die sie mit selbstgedrehtem...

“David Claerbout” / Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Bregenz

14.07. – 07.10.2018; Vorarlberg. Wahrnehmung in extrem verlangsamten Bildsequenzen. Über Fotografie, Film, Ton, Zeichnung und digitale Medien vermittelt der belgische Künstler David Claerbout den Besuchern gegenüber das Bestreben,...

NEXTCOMIC-Festival / Linz 2018

16.03. – 24.03.2018; Linz. Anti-terrorist attacks from the social network. At this year Austria’s only comic festival, artists from all over the world will interpret the...

Austrian Sculpture Park / Graz/Premstätten 2018

24.03. - 31.10.2018; Graz. Art under the open sky in the Austrian Sculpture Park. Curator Elisabeth Fiedler and her team will once again be offering a...

“Elevate Festival” / Graz 2018

28.02. – 04.03.2018; Graz. Courage & Risk: Festival for Music, Art & Discourse. Elevate, the Graz festival for electronic music, art and political discourse, is once again...

“Museum Total 2018” / Linz

22.02. – 25.02.2018; Linz. Fun for the whole family at the museum! The event series "MUSEUM TOTAL" invites you to visit nine museums with a single...

School of disobedience / Tabakfabrik Linz

Seit 18.11.2017 geöffnet; Linz. Gerhard Haderers school of disobedience in the Tabakfabrik Linz. The so-called Ölhades are large oil paintings that can be found in Gerhard...

“Winterfest – contemporary Circus” / Salzburg

29.11.2017 – 07.01.2018; Salzburg. Since 2001, the Winterfest has been bringing internationally renowned groups of the contemporary circus to Salzburg. Various divisions of art, from...

“Monika Supé” / Remise Bludenz

10.11.2017 – 07.01.2018; Bludenz. The association allerArt brings contemporary art to Vorarlberg. From November, works from German artist and architect Monika Supé are to be...


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