“Ines Doujak – Sale” / LENTOS Linz

02.02.2018 - 21.05.2018; Linz. Fashion store at the LENTOS. The Austrian Artist Ines Doujak coverts the hall of LENTOS museum in eight differently designed pop-up stores,...

“Bruno Gironcoli – Shy at Work” / Mumok Wien

03.02. - 27.05.2018; Wien. Animation on paper in Mumok. While the artist Bruno Gironcoli gained fame mainly through his large sculptures, it is rather unknown that...

“The Bacha Posh Project & Given: The Haunting Ghost” / Galerie 5020 Salzburg

14.03. – 05.05.2018; Salzburg.  The exhibition projects of Ana Hoffner and Kay Walkowiak open perspectives on former mentalities and translate them into the context of...

“digital spring festival 2018” / Salzburg

13.03. – 18.03.2018; Salzburg. Transhuman updates are available. Perspectives are changing: Since the 1970s, photographers in Austria have increasingly questioned their own country, its cultural identities,...

“Alfred Kubin – Between Wartimes” / Landesgalerie Linz

06.02. – 06.05.2018; Linz. Kubin, could eat 'em alive. The exhibition in the Kubin Cabinet of the Landesgalerien Linz addresses the question of what influence artistic and...

“Nikola Röthemeyer & Annika Sailer: Schwarmfänger” / Salzburger Kunstverein

17.02.2018 – 03.02.2019; Salzburg. Narrative Spaces. The two sisters Nikola Röthemeyer and Annika Sailer illustrate the contact between nature and humanity by creating individual and complex...

“HÖHENRAUSCH” / Linz 2018

24.05. – 14.10.2018; Linz. All good things come from above. The Höhenrausch in Linz and the Element of Water. When a three-masted ship hovers high above...

“Post Otto Wagner: Von der Postsparkasse zur Postmoderne” / MAK Wien

30.05. – 30.09.2018; Wien. Otto Wagner as the “father of modernism”? The MAK tries to point out the context and the interaction between him and outstanding...

“Hannah Perry” / Ausstellung im Künstlerhaus Graz

30.06. – 09.09.2018; Graz. Raumfüllende Installationen. In der von Jürgen Dehm kuratierten Ausstellung zeigt die britische Künstlerin Hannah Perry Fragmente von "Found Footage-Videos" die sie mit selbstgedrehtem...

“David Claerbout” / Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Bregenz

14.07. – 07.10.2018; Vorarlberg. Wahrnehmung in extrem verlangsamten Bildsequenzen. Über Fotografie, Film, Ton, Zeichnung und digitale Medien vermittelt der belgische Künstler David Claerbout den Besuchern gegenüber das Bestreben,...


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