Asmik Gregorian in "Salome", 2018, Foto: © Ruth Walz / Museum dre Moderne Salzburg

Raising the Curtain! Theater Photography by Ruth Walz / Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg

24.6. - 12.11.2023 Theater photography is a challenging métier; the practitioner must capture the actors’ facial expressions at their most characteristic as well as the...

EVERYONE’S STILLE / Akademie Graz, Styria

06.07.2024 – 26.07.2024 The gateway to the visible must be invisible, the gateway to the invisible must be visible, says Patty Smith.In line with this,...

PARSA KHALILI | Constructions / Bildraum 07, Vienna

21.08.2024 – 18.09.2024 The Iranian-born architect and artist Parsa Khalili experiments with the perception of surface effects, formal transformations and spatial ambiguities in the disciplines...

“tanz ist surprises” / Spielboden Dornbirn 2018

01.11. – 03.11.2018; Vorarlberg. tanz ist surprises with a young Leviathan and a glimpse into the new work of coreograph James Wilton. tanz ist surprises brings...

“Christoph Lissy: My eight fathers” / vorarlberg museum

06.07.2019 - 01.09.2019 In a time of patchwork families, single parents and ever smaller families, people are looking for role models. This exhibition by Christoph...

Sabine Effinger, Ingrid Gaier, Alex Trespi: Grund und Boden (Ground and Soil) / Kubinhaus,...

17.07. – 08.08.2021. Freiheit fußt auf GrunFreedom is based on land! Who owns it, has the right! With the means of photography, drawing and ornaments of...

Sehen wer wir sind / vorarlberg museum

Wiedereröffnung 09.02. - 05.04.2021. Im vorarlberg museum ist ab Oktober eine Ausstellung mit dem Titel „Sehen wer wir sind“ zu sehen. „Sehen wer wir sind“...

(empty) space – of life, of desperation / Galerie 5020 Salzburg

14.06. – 21.07.2018; Salzburg. Your smile is like a breath of spring Your voice is soft like summer rain And I cannot compete with you Jolene … (DollyParton, 1973) '(empty)...
StoryTelling:Europe! @ Apollonia Theresa Bitzan

STORYTELLING:EUROPE! Brunnenmarkt reVisited / Volkskundemuseum, Vienna

24.11.2022 - 12.03.2023 Stories from the Brunnenmark! The Brunnenpassage is located on the longest street market in Europe with people from all over the world...
WolfGeorg, Ägyptische Tempelköniginnen, Foto: © Markus Trettner

DIRECT! Including aspects in the collection of the vorarlberg museum / vorarlberg museum, Bregenz,...

till 11.6.2023 Colourful, creative and full of creative urge - this is how one can characterize the works that outsiders and artists in need of...


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