Elevate Festival 2025 / Graz, Styria

05.03.2025 – 09.03.2025 The Elevate Festival for music, art and political discourse is once again transforming Graz into a hotspot for young, contemporary festival culture....

IMAGINE CLIMATE DIGNITY / Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna

01.03.2025 – 09.06.2025 IMAGINE CLIMATE DIGNITY is the second edition of the BMEIA's international call for visual artists, a project that was launched under ON...

Correspondences. The photography of Gerald Zugmann / kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Styria

01.03.2025 – 19.04.2025 When you look at Gerald Zugmann's photographs, you get the impression that you are walking past rows of houses and architecture, through...

Alfred Lenz – artVideoLoop Silence of the Many / MQ Schauräume, Vienna

29.01.2025 – 08.04.2025 ‘Silence of the Many’ by the artist Alfred Lenz, who lives in Vienna and Studenzen/Styria, is created by combining all the different...

PHOENIX OUT OF THE ASHES / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

01.03.2025 – 12.04.2025 The group exhibition - curated by Ines Kaufmann - was developed by colleagues from Vienna for the Schaumbad in Graz and will...

Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960–1991 / Museumquartier, Vienna

28.02.2025 – 25.05.2025 The exhibition produced by the Kunsthalle Wien and Mudam Luxembourg - Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean sheds light on the history of...

Freeing the Voices / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

28.02.2025 – 24.08.2025 A scream, the scream of Marina Abramović - that is, of a human being - is the beginning of the exhibition Freeing...

Anca Bucur | Herbarium – A Red Ecology / MQ Pop-Up Schauraum, Vienna

30.01.2025 – 30.03.2025 The exhibition ‘Herbarium - A Red Ecology’ by MQ artist-in-residence Anca Bucur, curated by Elisabeth Hajek, reflects on the connection between ecological...

Pointe / Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Salzburg

24.01.2025 – 15.03.2025 With the group exhibition Pointe, Gerlind Zeilner brings together a series of artistic positions that explore the boundaries between abstract and figurative...

Simon Wachsmuth – Evil Spirits – Measures for Resuscitation / Lentos Art Museum, Linz

28.02.2025 – 18.05.2025 The exhibition - curated by Brigitte Reutner-Doneus - is based on Bertolt Brecht's legendary theatre play Mother Courage and Her Children; the...


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