KHM online / Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna offers a comprehensive online service! In the online collection, works and treasures of the museum can be discovered. The Titian Room...

Haegue Yang – VIP´s Union – Phase II / Exhibition Graz 2018

15.02. – 02.04.2018; Graz. Haegue Yangs VIP´s Union enters phase II. The pieces of furniture that were available for use in the past nine months will...

“The Red Vienna” / Vienna Museum, Vienna

30.04.2019 - 19.01.2020; Vienna Social buildings, public baths and nursery schools. The Red Vienna after 1919, reconstruction, new constructs, projects to make life valuable. Workers...

Assembly Design Festival / Graz

09. – 10.09.2021. With a Fashion Special, assembly puts bold, innovative and forward-looking fashion design in the spotlight for two days on the Schloßbergbühne Kasematten...

“Ines Doujak – Sale” / LENTOS Linz

02.02.2018 - 21.05.2018; Linz. Fashion store at the LENTOS. The Austrian Artist Ines Doujak coverts the hall of LENTOS museum in eight differently designed pop-up stores,...

“Cinema Talks” / Graz 2019

27. – 18.09.2019; Graz. Have you heard? Graz has a new international film festival! The Cinema Talks Filmfestival at Schubertkino Graz starts its first round with...

Syd Mead – Future Cities / Graz Museum

Wiedereröffnung 07.12.2020 — 07.02.2021. Designer der Welt von Blade Runner. Das Graz Museum zeigt die österreichweit erste Einzelausstellung mit Werken von Syd Mead, dem Visionär...

“BUS:STOP” / Krumbach, Vorarlberg

Creative bus stops in Krumbach in Vorarlberg. We will also await better times - for example in the "Buswartehüsle" in Krumbach. Architects from seven different...

Proof of Art / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

10.06. – 15.09.2021. NFTs are the new hype in the art world. Digital artworks made forgery-proof by blockchain technology. An exhibition at the Francisco...

“Inge Morath”/ Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Rom

30.11.2019 - 19.01.2020; Rom. Icon of Austrian photography: The life's work of Inge Morath in Rome. The Museo di Roma in Trastevere presents Inge Morath's first...


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