“Scivias” / Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Vorarlberg

16.03.2019. - 04.05.2019; Vorarlberg Vision and Reality. Three artists explore the boundaries between intuition, knowledge and science. With Valentina D'Amaro (ITA), Devis Venturelli (ITA) and Debora...

“Das genaue Hinschauen. Miriam Cahn” / Kunsthaus Bregenz, Vorarlberg

13.04.2019 - 30.06.2019, Vorarlberg This exhibition's title is justified. "Das genaue Hinschauen" requires a close look. Miriam Cahn’s paintings are as oppressive as they are engaging....

“Grid Marrisonie: Marienheim Photographs | Installations” / Vorarlberg Museum

30.03.2019 - 16.06.2020 The photo documentary by Grid Marrisonie reminds of a hostel's history and tells about a special life. Vorarlberg artist Grid Marrisonie's photo documentary...

„All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa. The Invention of a City“ / Jewish Museum Hohenems

07.04.2019 – 06.10.2019; Vorarlberg. From the suburb of Jaffa to the party metropolis in the conflict zone. All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa looks behind the scenes...

“Days of Utopia” / Götzis, Vorarlberg

06.05. - 11.05.2019; Götzis Real Utopias. The "Days of Utopia" in Götzis/Vorarlberg transform criticism of the system into real convertible visions for a fairer world. In...

“Dynamofestival 2019” / spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

25.04. - 27.04.2019; Dornbirn Vorarlberg takes off at Dynamofestival. The fifth Dynamo Festival blasts off on two indoor floors and an open-air stage. The rocket will...

“Bernd Oppl. Hidden Rooms” / Kunstraum Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

15.03. - 09.06.2019; Vorarlberg Rooms that tell stories and become the protagonists themselves. Artist Bernd Oppl designs architectural room-models, photographs and video installations. For Kunstraum Dornbirn...

“Getting Things done” / Museum Vorarlberg

16.03.2019 - 05.05.2019 The exhibition gives an overview about the Vorarlberg building school's development, from beginning to present. The travelling exhibition about architecture and craftmanship in...

“Bregenzer spring” / Festspielhaus, Bregenz

09.03.2019 - 07.06.2019: Bregenz A body does not just move while dancing.It speaks, calls, laughs, curses, cries, there is communicating. The program of the Dance...

“HUMAN VISION film festival” / Spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

19.03.2019-23.03.2019; Vorarlberg Das diesjährige HUMAN VISION film festival rückt Kinder- und Frauenrechte in den Fokus und zeigt Filme zum Thema. Das HUMAN VISION film festivals macht...