“Löcher, die nicht einmal der Schnee zudeckt” / Druckwerk Lustenau, Vorarlberg

28.05. until 31.07.2020. Under the title "Löcher, die nicht einmal der Schnee zudeckt", the exhibition series "Stage 2" comes to an end: the acquisitions...

„Two Faces“ Videoporträts aus der Sammlung Generali Foundation / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

20.06. until 13.09.2020.With "Two Faces", the Museum der Moderne is showing video portraits from the collection of the Generali Foundation. Using classics from the...

Egon Hofmann / Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz

02.06. until 09.08.2020An exhibition in the Nordico Stadtmuseum is dedicated to the painter Egon Hofmann. The painter, industrialist and cosmopolitan always drew his works...

“Wo Kunst geschehen kann” Die frühen Jahre des CalArts / Kunsthaus Graz

01.07. until 20.09.2020 A group exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz shows the early years of CalArts (1970-1980), a renowned art school in Los Angeles County....

Sammlungsaufruf “Wir sammeln heute für morgen” / GrazMuseum

The GrazMuseum launches a call for Corona collections. As a cultural history museum, the GrazMuseum also deals with the present. It is collecting testimonies...

Christian Hutzinger “Transformers 2” / Galerie Eboran online

29.04. until 10.07.2020. Christian Hutzinger's works are currently on display at the Galerie Eboran in Salzburg under the title "Transformers 2". Three wall paintings, each...

Erwin Wurm “Big” / Kunstraum Dornbirn

From 11.06.2020. From 11 June 2020, Kunstraum Dornbirn will be presenting sculptures by Erwin Wurm. Under the title "Big" a selection from Wurm's series of...

Ernst Koslitsch “We have to move the island” / Galerie Raum mit Licht

13.05. - 03.07.2020 The artist Ernst Koslitsch exhibits in the gallery Raum mit Licht, his examination of reality. The artist first describes his previous workplace,...

Willkommen zurück / Salzburg Museum

Reopening 16.05.2020. The Salzburg Museum and its associated locations are venturing a gradual opening: from 16.05.2020, the New Residence, the Panorama Museum, the Celtic...

Omar Fast “The Invisible Hand” / Salzburger Kunstverein

Reopening 08.12.2020 until 24.01.2021. And the Salzburger Kunstverein will also be opening its doors again on 19 May 2020, when the exhibitions Gernot Wieland, Declan...


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