‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’, Dornbirn, various locations

11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 In today's world, it is more important than ever to deal with sustainability, resource conservation, etc. As part of Creative Week Austria,...

Camels & Oases / kunstGarten, Graz

15.03.2024 – 09.05.2024 According to UNESCO, the year 2024 will be dedicated to camels and their fellows. "Recognizing the vital role that camelids play in...

SUSANNE SCHUDA | Practice for Political Feelings (Emotions and Affects) / Bildraum 07, Vienna

25.09.2024 – 24.10.2024 In her works, she distorts the content and aesthetics of mass media, rearranges the themes of the zeitgeist and uses humour to...

Wild corners – wallowing in the urban world / rotor – Zentrum für zeitgenössische...

until 19 October 2024 The exhibition traces the natural in the urban, following the trail of vitality and wilderness. The artists link their works in...

Anniversary exhibition Art & Play / Zoom Kindermuseum, MQ Vienna

until 31 August 2025 On the occasion of ZOOM's thirtieth anniversary, it is focussing on two of its most important pillars in its new hands-on...

CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA 2024 / Graz, various locations

11.10.2024 – 19.10.2024 CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA has set itself the goal of focussing on the diversity of the creative industries and the services they offer....

Children’s culture week 2024 / Linz, various locations

09.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 The Children's Culture Week proves what Linz has to offer in terms of children's culture and presents a colourful programme in various...

Ruben Aubrecht: Fax score no. 1 / Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis Bregenz

30.03.2024 – 12.04.2024 Fax score no. 1 contains all the sounds of an ordinary fax transmission sent from Berlin to London on 8 September 2016.The...

My advice for life / Wien Museum MUSA

09.05.20224 – 15.09.2024 They are often labelled as a vulnerable group and often not given much attention - older people. But they offer a wealth...

Precious Okoyomon – ONE EITHER LOVES ONESELF OR KNOWS ONESELF / KuB – Kunsthaus...

01.02.2025 – 25.05.2025Okoyomon's works move between art, poetry and performance. They deal with identity, colonial history, spirituality and the relationship of people to things...


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