Anniversary exhibition Art & Play / Zoom Kindermuseum, MQ Vienna

until 31 August 2025 On the occasion of ZOOM's thirtieth anniversary, it is focussing on two of its most important pillars in its new hands-on...

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 24 / various locations, Vienna

20.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 Since its foundation, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has established itself as an integral part of the Viennese design landscape. Each year, a...

Who is playing with us? / esc medienkunstlabor, Graz, Styria

14.05.2024 – 26.07.2024 While the universally valid, the factual and the real are becoming increasingly difficult to grasp, the illusionary and the imaginary are becoming...

100 FEMALE VOICES / Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin

until 14.01.2025 With OPUS 24, Martina Stock presents a walk-in audiovisual installation comprising portraits of 24 female artists whose personalities and work have had a...

InTaKT Festival 2024 / Graz, Styria, various locations

07.11.2024 – 11.11.2024 The InTaKT Festival is an inclusive dance, culture and theatre festival created by and for people with disabilities. Over five days, the...

HochSommer Festival 2024 / various locations, Styria

01.08.2024 – 11.08.2024 The HochSommer Festival is a cross-border, contemporary art festival in south-eastern Austria and the neighbouring Slovenian region. Exhibitions, performances and concerts take...

Precious Okoyomon – ONE EITHER LOVES ONESELF OR KNOWS ONESELF / KuB – Kunsthaus...

01.02.2025 – 25.05.2025Okoyomon's works move between art, poetry and performance. They deal with identity, colonial history, spirituality and the relationship of people to things...


20.11.2024—17.08.2025 BLOCKCHAIN UNCHAINED: DAO & The Museum, conceived in the form of a game, uses augmented reality to let the exhibition create an interactive story...

Come on! / Wien Museum, Vienna

24.10.2024 – 09.02.2025 One city, 15 young people: Jews and Muslims. What happens when they meet? Is it inevitably about the Middle East conflict? About...

The Open House – Haus Schwarz in Weiz / Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Styria

19.01.2025 – 31.01.20252024 marks the tenth anniversary of Hannes Schwarz's death, and 2026 would be the 100th anniversary of his birth. These two commemorative...


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