Black is a kind of colourful (6 – 11) / Project space, WUK Vienna

24.01.2024 – 28.01.2024 Sooner or later, everyone finds themselves in a situation where they have to grieve. It is often particularly difficult for the youngest...

Die Arbeit in und an der Zukunft / Ars Electronica Center, Linz

08.06. – 12.09.2021. PUPPETS ON A STRING?„Working in and on the future“ at the Ars Electronica Center Linz: Is Artificial Intelligence going to tell us,...
Florian Aschka & Larissa Kopp: o.T., aus der Serie "My Dirty Old God*esses", c-print, 2022. Foto: © Florian Aschka & Larissa Kopp / Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Queer Art Spaces 2023 / Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

19.1. - 18.3.2023 The exhibition Queer Art Spaces Vienna 2023 shows the paths of various artists that lead to Queer Spaces. Artists, institutions, queer individuals and...


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