“poolbar -Festival” / Feldkirch 2017

07.07. – 15.08.2017; Feldkirchen. Energetic electro-pop, smooth R ́n ́B sound and Hip-Hop will be featured at this years poolbar-Festival in Feldkirch. The line-up is impressing:...

“10. Literaturfest” / Salzburg 2017

17.05. – 21.05.2017; Salzburg. The curators Christa Gürtler, Jochen Jung and Klaus Seufer-Wasserthal promise “Beautiful Views” for the anniversary edition in 2017. The question of looking...

“Europa der Muttersprachen 2017: Ukraine” / Salzburg

19.04. – 30.07.2017; Salzburg. Europa der Muttersprachen 2017: Ukraine. Based on an idea by the head of the Literaturhaus, Thomas Friedman, this festival has been organized...

“Montafoner Resonanzen” / Montafon 2018

02.08. - 08.09.2018; Montafon. Listen to the richness of sound. For another year well-known artists follow the call of the “Montafoner Resonanzen” and its organisers to...

Music & Conference: “Waves Vienna” / Vienna 2018

27.09. – 29.09.2018; Vienna. Music Festival & Conference. In 2018, Austria’s only club festival presents a series of international as well as Austrian Acts. The Waves...

“Jazz & The City” / Salzburg 2018

17.10. – 21.10.2017; Salzburg. The entire city is full of jazz. For five days, jazz concerts by international artists attract many visitors to the old town...


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