25. – 30.05.2022. Here we go! Deadline January 5, 2022! The submission deadline for Vienna Shorts 2022 is set, the submission portals are open! Submission link: The...

This Human World 2021 / Online, Vienna

06. – 12.12.2021. For humanity in our human world! This year the International Human Rights Film Festival will take place in Vienna for the 14th time. For...

Geta Brătescu. The Woman and the Bird / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

29.10.2021 – 20.02.2022. A life for art! Born into a highly uncertain time and confronted with the restrictions of the Ceaușescu regime, the artist Geta Brătescu...

10 Jahre Ahoi!Pop / Posthof Linz

18.10. – 17.12.2021. No Music in 2020, but Now! After last year's everything dropped out and switched to virtual, which is very hard to do at...

The Wolf Suschitzky Photography Prize Exhibition: Life in 2020 / Austrian Cultural London

07.10. – 26.11.2021. The picture of life today! For the second time, the Wolf Suschitzky Photography Prize was held in 2020 in cooperation between the Cultural...

David Reumüller: The End / Galerie Lise Hämmerle, Vorarlberg

09.10. – 12.11.2021. Every end is the beginning of something else! David Reumüller, Graz artist working in the fields of music, film and installation art, begins...

Montforter Zwischentöne 2021 / Feldkirch, Vorarlberg

04.11. – 01.12.2021. From ending to beginning! The Montforter Zwischentöne span a wide arc, not only by taking place at a point in time that lies...

Fotografie+Tranzendenz: Wege nach außen / Villa Claudia, Forum für aktuelle Kunst, Vorarlberg

16.10. – 14.11.2021. The light falls on paper and a new world emerges! For a long time, photography had to fight to be recognized as an...

Waltraud Viehböck: Faszination Metall / Schlossmuseum Linz

21.10.2021 – 27.02.2022. Immerse yourself in the fascination of metal as a material! Waltraud Viehböck, one of the first graduates of Helmuth Gsöllpointner's metal master class...

Gretchen Andrews: Trust Boundary / Fransisco Carolinum, Linz

12.10.2021 –  27.02.2022. The limitless world of imagination on the Internet made visible in brightly colored, brightly popped vision boards. Gretchen Andrews calls herself an internet...


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