Tag: Design

Designmonat Graz 2022

07.05. – 12.06.2022. Designmonat Graz bundles and condenses the energy of the local creative industries within one month, makes them visible to the outside world...

Austrian Brand Stories / Designforum Steiermark, Graz

04.03. – 30.04.2022. Background stories of Austrian cult brands. Brands play a significant role in shaping the cultural environment. They are an integral part of the...

Johanna Pichlbauer: There will be! People! On the Sun! Soon! / MAK – Museum...

15.12.2021 – 13.02.2022. Everything circles around the sun! In this solo exhibition at MAK, designer Johanna Pichlbauer dedicates a varied overall installation entirely to the sun:...

100 Beste Plakate 20 (100 of the Best Posters): Germany Austria Switzerland / MAK...

17.11.2021 – 06.02.2022. The art of designing a poster! For the 16th time, the MAK - the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna is showing the...

Blickfang Wien / MAK, Wien

15. – 17.10.2021. "A design evokes three reactions - Yes, No, and WOW!" (Milton Glaser) The innovative are coming together again at the MAK in Vienna....

We love Illustration / Designforum, Graz

18.09. – 16.10.2021. The exhibition "We love Illustration", conceived by Creative Industries Styria, aims to show what illustration can do. Whether visual symbolization of...


24.09. – 03.10.2021. The aim of the Vienna Design Week is to convey content easily, as well as to maintain the professional discourse. Creation...

Industrial Design Show 2021 / Designforum, Graz

03.07. – 24.07.2021. From design exercises to final projects from the bachelor's and master's degree programs - the Industrial Design Show at the Designforum...

Austrian Brand Stories / Designforum, Wien

08.06. – 12.09.2021. Brands play a key role in shaping the cultural environment. They are an integral part of the perceived aesthetics of everyday...

What can we do?

UNESCO Creative Cities Network – Actionable ideas in international exchange.  More than 240 cities worldwide are members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network today. Film,...


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