Tag: Theater

Sommerszene Salzburg 2022

09. - 24.06.2022. International, contemporary, high-profile, virulent, avant-garde, discursive, political: As part of the artistic "centerpiece" of SZENE Salzburg, important names and new discoveries from...

ARME LEUTE (VON HEUTE) / Arge Salzburg & Theater der Mitte, Salzburg

31.03. – 29.04.2022. Write me a letter from life! They live on the same street in a poor neighborhood and correspond only by letter. Sounds corny,...

spleen*graz 2022: 9. International theater festival for young audiences!

24.06. – 02.07.2022. 9 days of international and local contemporary theater art for young audiences! The festival spleen*graz conquers Graz with theater productions for young audiences...

Aberland / Literatur Vorarlberg, Vorarlberg

23. – 27.03.2022. A showpiece of "Yes…but" women who constantly postpone important decisions in their lives! In Aberland, the play based on the book of the...

Fight the Right / Arge Salzburg

09. – 13.03.2022. Anti-fascist actionism against the right! In the thematic focus FIGHT THE RIGHT, Arge Salzburg faces the questions: What is fascism? What is anti-fascism?...

Elfriede Jelinek: Rechnitz. Der Würgeengel / Sarajevo Theatre of War; Volkstheater Mostar, Bosnien Herzegowina

18. – 20.02. / 26.02. – 04.03.2022. Dark are the chapters of human history! Directed by the renowned Austrian theater director Sabine Mitterecker, Elfriede Jelinek's play...

Dear Government! Letters from the Guts of the Republic / Online, Theater im Bahnhof,...

12. and 13.02.2022. Resumption! Spoken from the guts! There is a deep chasm between the Austrian government and the Austrian people. It is as if Austria were...

Die Kabarett / kleines theater.haus der freien szene, Salzburg

23. – 26.02.2022. Full power cabaret! Since 2016, the all-female cabaret festival has been held in the small theater.haus of the free scene in cooperation with...

Brisant. Theater das verändert / Online-Forumtheater Festival

16. – 27.11.2021. What started live in the Theater im Lend is now continued online! Two weeks of theater that addresses current socio-political challenges. Questions are...

Dear Government! Letters from the Guts of the Republic / Online, Theater im Bahnhof,...

11.12. – 22.12.2021. Spoken from the guts! There is a deep chasm between the Austrian government and the Austrian people. It is as if Austria were...


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