Book Shops with online shipping in Vienna

Buy books in solidarity: Guide to regional bookshops in Vienna. The regional book supply is secured even in times of crisis. A large number of regional...

Bookstores with online shipping in Graz/Steiermark

Buy books with solidarity: Guide to regional bookshops in Graz/Steiermark. The regional book supply is secured even in times of crisis. A large number of regional...

Bookstores with online shipping in Linz / Upper Austria

Buy books with solidarity: Guide to regional bookstores in Linz / Upper Austria. The regional book supply is secured even in times of crisis. A large...

Paul Celan 100 / Online

The 100th birthday and 50th anniversary of Paul Celan's death are being celebrated by the Bucharest National Museum of Romanian Literature, the German Studies...

Bookstores with online shipping in Salzburg

Buy books with solidarity: Guide to regional bookshops in Salzburg. The regional book supply is secured even in times of crisis. A large number of regional...

Es begann mit Ilse Aichinger (1921-2021) / Kulturforum Mailand, #austriakulturdigital

30.11.2021 Nov. 1, 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger and her twin sister Helga. In the photo...

“Literaturhaus Salzburg – Read Live”

Daily online-readings until the end of the crisis. Poetry and prose against the crisis - for as long as it lasts. Thomas Friedmann, the director...

Public Moves, Impulstanz / Wien

09.07.-30.08.2020 A side effect of the Corona crisis on cultural work is that the public and social space is once again becoming more central. Whereas...

Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis 2020 / Online

Ab 17.06.2020 The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2020 will take place exclusively online. On Wednesday, 17.06., the 44th German-Language Literature Days were opened, during which the...

Virtueller Adventkalender / Landestheater Linz & Bruckner Orchester Linz

No less than 24 contemplative, musical and simply impressive contributions are promised by the Landestheater Linz and the Bruckner Orchestra Linz: on December 1...

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