25th International Accordion Festival 2024 / Vienna, various locations

24.02.2024 – 17.03.2024 This year's programme offers something tried and tested, but will not only focus on this, but will also once again make a...

Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2022

09. – 13.03.2022. Feminist, diverse, passionate: Since 2001, Tricky Women/Tricky Realities has been committed to making artistic animated film by women* visible. This orientation is...

MotzART FESTIVAL 2025 / ARGEkultur, Salzburg

17.01.2025 – 25.01.2025Stressful times, excessive demands, exhaustion from all kinds of crises, wars, climate catastrophes - the new everyday life? From all the discourses,...

Electric Love Festival 2021 / Salzburgring

26. – 28.08.2021. Boutique, Boutique, Boutique is this year's motto of the Electronic Music Festival at the Salzburgring. For 3 festival days, the crème...

“Austrian Ukulele Festival” / Graz

23.05.2019 - 26.05.2019; Graz Big stage for small instrument. The Austrian Ukulele Festival brings Hawaiian vibes to the heart of Graz. Ukulele lovers from all over...
Festival: SBÄM rockt Linz! Foto: © Raphael Sperl

SBÄM Festival 2023 / Pichlinger Lake, Linz

3.6. - 4.6.2023 Austria's biggest pop punk rock festival is coming back. Bigger, better and with even more side action. True to the motto "Welcome To...

This Human World Festival 2023 / various locations, Vienna

30.11.2023 – 10.12.2023 Feature films, documentaries and short films at the This Human World Film Festival tell the story of human rights around the globe....

Nextcomic Festival 2022: Sichtbar Unsichtbar (Visible / Invisible) / Oberösterreichisches Kulturquartier, Linz

11. – 19.03.2022. In 2022, the nextcomic festival takes on the characteristics "visible - invisible - not visible". The question of how the "invisible" is represented...

“Emsiana” Cultural Festival / Hohenems 2018

17.05. - 20.05.2018; Hohenems. "Fulness and Emptiness". In 2018, the cultural festival in Hohenems again recalls the past and thereby builds a bridge to the present....

Graz2020: Die Stadt und das gute Leben / Camera Austria, Graz

18.09.2020 - 21.02.2021 "Die Stadt und das gute Leben" is an exhibition, research project, intervention and form of communication in one. The project provides impulses for...


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