La Strada 2024 / various locations, Graz, Styria

26.07.2024 – 04.08.2024 La Strada, the international festival for street art, puppet theatre, new circus and community art, has been an integral part of Graz's...

Graz erzählt – The International Storytelling Festival

27.05. – 06.06.2022. Once upon a time ... Es war einmal … Folke Tegetthoff's International Storytelling Festival makes a stop in Graz where stories are told...

steirischer herbst 2024 – Horror Patriae / Graz, Styria

19.09.2024 – 13.10.2024 Nationalism - whether newly burgeoning, smouldering or never extinguished - continues to spread worldwide. Danger recognised, danger averted, you might think. In...
Sodom Vienna Revue, Foto: © Lisbeth Kovacic

Sodom Vienna Revue / brut nordwest, Vienna

07.01. - 12.01.2023 A dazzling show, loosely based on the motto: Vienna, you red Sodom, your color stands for love and revolution and Sodom for...

Posthof / Posthof, Linz

From 09.09.2020. The Posthof in Linz is entering the next round: after a "memorable" spring and summer, the Posthof is rushing towards autumn with...

“27. Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt & Tanztheaterfestival” / Graz 2018

16.07. – 22.07.2018; Graz. Bühnenwerkstatt Graz aims at exploring new artistic content and communicative methods in dance theatre. This year they organise this creative and...

“Schäxpir – Theaterfestival für junges Publikum” / Linz 2019

24.06. – 30.06.2019; Linz. Schäxpir-Theaterfestival for a young audiance. A Festival for the audience of today, from grandparents to grandchild all are addressed - with everything...


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