“Waves Vienna 2019” / Vienna

26.09. - 28.09.2019; Vienna. Viennas unique Club- and Showcase Festival brings new acts to the fore. Indie Rock, Electro, R&B, Hip Hop, Pop... The Waves Vienna...

Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt / Theater im Palais, Graz

17. – 23.07.2021. Body, voice, dance: The international stage workshop is taking place again in Graz. In addition to the workshops, performances in the...

“Luaga & Losna 2018” / Feldkirch

03.09. – 07.09.2018; Vorarlberg. "look and listen" Theatre Festival for Children’s & Youth Theatre in Vorarlbergerisch. The International Theatre Festival for Children’s & Youth Theatre takes place...

Luaga & Losna Internationales Theaterfestival für ein junges Publikum / Feldkirch

01.-05.09.2020. The theatre festival Luaga & Losna in Feldkirch welcomes young and young-at-heart audiences again at the beginning of September. The program is for...


26.08. – 27.08.2022 Nobody sits still at this festival: The CHIALA Africa Festival brings the great cultural diversity of Africa to the Augarten in Graz. The...

“Image Dance 2019” / Brut, Vienna

08.03.2019 - 30.03.2019; Vienna "dancing 30 years ahead". The dance festival offers a platform for a variety of artists in the field of choreography and...

Festival “ImPulsTanz” / Vienna 2018

12.07. –12.08.2017; Vienna. The whole world dances in the federal capital of Austria. lIntendant Karl Regensburger and his team attract thousands of professional dancers, choreographs and...
Die Compagnie Marie Chouinard huldigt in "M" dem Lebendigsein zwischen Wahnsinn und Weisheit. © Sylvie Ann Pare

ImPulsTanz 2023 / various locations, Vienna

6.7. – 6.8.2023 The 40th edition of the ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival promises an eventful summer and transforms Vienna into a vibrant and...


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