Tag: Francisco Carolinum

Poem = Work of Art / Digital Francisco Carolinum, Linz

01. – 30.04.2022. An exploration of literary NFTs with TheVerseVerse! In cooperation with the US literary collective TheVerseVerse, the exhibition explores first experiments with literature in...

Laurids Ortner & Manfred Ortner: bis übermorgen / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

07.04. – 07.08.2022. From Haus-Rucker-Co to O&O Baukunst! This retrospective is dedicated to the work of the brothers Laurids and Manfred Ortner.As Haus-Rucker-Co, together with Günter...

Herbert W. Franke: Visionär / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

30.03. – 12.06.2022. When the computer found its way into art! On the occasion of his 95th birthday, the Upper Austrian Center for Photography and Media...

Gina Pane – Action Psyché / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

29.10.2021 – 20.02.2022. The 1970s - the decade of women artists! It was a breakout from narrowness, limiting gender roles and the dictates of men! And what...

Geta Brătescu. The Woman and the Bird / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

29.10.2021 – 20.02.2022. A life for art! Born into a highly uncertain time and confronted with the restrictions of the Ceaușescu regime, the artist Geta Brătescu...

Anna Ehrenstein „Tools for Conviviality“ / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

12.10.21 – 27.02.2022. Boundaries only happen in the mind! In Anna Ehrenreich's current project, dependencies on machines, the Internet and social boundaries are questioned and...

He Yunchang “Golden Sunshine” / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

12.10.2021 – 20.02.2022. The exhibition, curated by Ai Weiwei, shows works by the Chinese artist He Yunchang (*1967). Yunchang is considered a leading performance artist...


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