Tag: Art

Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen : Intersections in Theory, Film, and Art / Camera...

11.06. – 14.08.2022. The intersection of film, photography and artist put into the picture! Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen are known primarily as film theorists and...

Alfred Kubin: Bekenntnisse einer gequälten Seele / Leopold Museum, Wien

16.04. – 24.07.2022. The art of drawing and illustrating! Alfred Kubin and his artistic work seem more topical than ever: violence, warlike destruction, epidemics, natural disasters,...

Kunst Raum Stadt: Eva Schlegel / Kunstraum Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

20.05. – 21.08.2022. After the successful premiere of the augmented reality project in 2021 with digital works by Erwin Wurm, Kunstraum Dornbirn is continuing this...

Stefan Sagmeister & Jessica Walsh: Beauty / vorarlbergmuseum

09.04. – 16.10.2022. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! With their exhibition project Beauty, the Vorarlberg graphic artist Stefan Sagmeister, who lives in New...

Sandra Lahire, Celeste Burlina: we sat rigid except for the parts of our bodies...

09.04. – 29.05.2022. Like two voices that sound together! The exhibition at Grazer Kunstverein brings together works by the late British experimental filmmaker Sandra Lahire and...

Paul Neagu: The Retrospective / Neue Galerie, Graz

02.06. – 25.09.2022. The language of art is an understandable cross-cultural visual language! The BRUSEUM presents the first international retrospective of the Romanian-born artist Paul Neagu. Neagu...

Monica Bonvicini: I don’t like you very much / Kunsthaus Graz

22.04. – 21.08.2022. The focus of Monica Bonvicini's three-part exhibition is the house and the spatial orders and power structures associated with it. Accordingly, the...

Manfred Erjautz: Dinge | Things / KULTUM. Zentrum für Gegenwart, Kunst und Religion, Graz

02.04. – 17.07.2022. The language of things, the measurement and contestation of time found in objects! Things - dozens of small table sculptures and clocks -...

Culture is the overcoming of barbarism

Law, and in particular international law, is a cultural achievement of mankind. It creates the foundation on which people have the possibility, at least in...

Wesen & Kreaturen Kapitel 1 / rotor, Graz

19.03. – 04.06.2022. When the humans become one of many! The rotor in Graz opens the first chapter of a series dealing with the abdication of...


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