Graz 2020: This city’s loneliness / Graz

28.07. - 01.08.2020.In "This City's Loneliness" the phenomenon of urban, human loneliness is explored. In a show on a public square in Graz, the...

Denkräume und Schreibstuben / Innenhof des Schlossmuseums, Linz

June until October 2020In recent weeks and months, we citizens have been asked to do a lot. Many of them missed retreats in apartments...

Luftschlosslesungen / OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz

03.07. - 11.09.2020Starting in July, young authors will present selected texts every Friday at 7 pm in the Multispace, which has been declared an...

Special Effects / Technisches Museum Wien

extended until November 2020. In the Technical Museum in Vienna you can visit an exhibition entitled "Special Effects" until the end of November 2020,...

Wiener Kulturspaziergänge / Wien

07.06. - 06.09.2020. Those who want to learn more about Vienna would be well advised to book a Kulturspaziergang. From 07.06. to 06.09. you...

Kino am Dach / Hauptbücherei – Dach, Wien

18.06. - 27.09.2020Finally it's time again: cinema on the roof. Also this year the cinema experience takes place on the roof of the Vienna...

Richard Neutra „Wohnhäuser in Kalifornien“ / Wien Museum

13.02. - 20.09.2020.Richard Neutra is the subject of an exhibition at the Wien Museum, which can be seen until 20.09.2020. On show are Neutra's...

Best of Austrian Design / designforum, Graz

10.09. - 10.10.2020. 27 submissions for the State Prize Design will be shown in an exhibition at the Designforum Graz from 10.09.2020. Design is playing...

„Europas beste Bauten“ Mies van der Rohe Award / AzW, Wien

30.07. - 12.10.2020. An exhibition entitled "Europas beste Bauten", which focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe, starts on 30.07. at the Architekturzentrum AzW...

Claudia Larcher „Face 2 Face“ / Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz

From 17.07.2020. On 17.07. an exhibition by Claudia Larcher entitled "Face 2 Face" opens in the Lisi Hämmerle Gallery. In this exhibition Claudia Larcher...


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