“Auf ins Ungewisse” / Kunsthaus Graz

23.09.2017 – 25.03.2018; Graz. This exhibition explores the relationship between visionary ideas and their realization. In doing so, it traces the formation process of the...

“Sinnesrausch: Alice twisted world” / OÖ Kulturquartier Linz

21.10.2017 – 31.03.2018; Linz. The premises of the OK-Center are just as confusing as those of Alice in Wonderland. Fantastic, absurd and wonderful objects are...

“Erich Gruber: Panzergast” / Salzburger Kunstverein

17.02. – 01.04.2018; Salzburg. Dead guests in black and white. Erich Gruber's black and white drawings are detailed and macabre. The Artist shows dead insects or...

“Lucy Skaer: La Chasse” / Salzburger Kunstverein

17.02. - 01.04.2018; Salzburg. Exhibition to replication of art. An exhibition of new works by the British artist Lucy Skaer opens the annual program of the...

Haegue Yang – VIP´s Union – Phase II / Exhibition Graz 2018

15.02. – 02.04.2018; Graz. Haegue Yangs VIP´s Union enters phase II. The pieces of furniture that were available for use in the past nine months will...

“Georg Eisler – What do you do as the son of a composer?” /...

18.11.2017 – 08.04.2018; Salzburg What do you do as the son of a composer? Become a painter. Georg Eisler has successfully managed to emerge from the...

“3-D um 1930. Der Fotograf Norbert Bertolini” / vorarlberg museum Bregenz

17.02. – 15.04.2018; Bregenz. Three-dimensional view of the local civil society around 1930. This exhibition, curated by Kathrin Dünser, shows Norbert Bertolini's (1899-1982) photographs, which adress...

“KUB Billboards 2018” / Bregenz

16.02. - 22.04.2018; Bregenz. Alternative awareness, new Image types and current questions. Four Artist exhibit a series consisting seven artworks along "Bregenzer Seestraße" - the busiest...

“Shirin Neshat – women in the society” / Neue Galerie Graz

18.01. – 22.04.2018; Graz. Shirin Neshat and the discourse about the relationship between Orient and Occident in the Neue Galerie Graz. Curated by Holger Kuba Ventura and...

“Guy Mees. The weather is quiet, cool and soft” / Kunsthalle Wien

01.02. - 29.04.2018; Vienna. Exhibition with scarcity value in the Kunsthalle Wien. For the first time in Austria, the rarely shown photographs, videos and fragile paper...


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