“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz

22.09. – 15.10.2017 steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous. Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...

“Margit Riezinger: Der helle Grat. Annäherung an die Botanische Illustration” / Linz

29.09. – 15.10.2017; Botanischergarten Linz Plant painting in the age of Instagram sounds like “Salmon Fishing in the yemen”: a little bit out of time...

“brut Saisoneröffnung 2017/18” / Vienna

Saisoneröffnung 2017/2018; Vienna. The Künstlerhaus am Karlsplatz is being redeveloped but this cannot stop Kira Kirsch and her team. They conquer public places and venues throughout...

“Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts” / Salzburg

17.07. – 26.08.2017; Salzburg. Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts. Why produce art? This year’s motto of the academy is fully dedicated to this general...

“Instructions for Happiness” / Vienna

08.07. – 05.11.2017; Vienna. Instructions for Happiness. The perspectives that the artists show in this exhibition differ formally and content-wise, reflecting the general variety and individuality...

“Mitgebracht III” / Salzburg

30.06. – 19.08.2017 | Eröffnung: 29.06.2017; Salzburg. Mitgebracht III. On the occasion of “30 years of foreign residency for visual artists from Salzburg”, the exhibition...

“Simon Kindle – follow up“ / Remise Bludenz

22.06. – 06.08.2017; Bludenz. Simon Kindle - "follow up". In summer, the association Aller Art for the promotion of art and culture in Bludenz brings an...

“Artistic free floaters.” / Linz

Linz. In Linz, on the banks of the Danube, art and culture are going down the drain on purpose. Successfully so. The Talk about sustainable eff...

“Kunsthaus Bregenz” / Vorarlberg

2017; Vorarlberg. Kunsthaus Bregenz. 20 years of Vorarlbergs horizon expansion: Kunsthaus Bregenz celebrates its anniversary The art business comes with quite a few sacrifices. When the newspaper...


21.06. – 01.10.2017; Vienna. Vienna Biennale: What work remains for mankind? How long will it be before robots begin to shed real tears as well? This year’s...


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