Between pick-up & drop-off / Wien Museum, Vienna

27.02.2025 – 25.05.2025Bike messengers are now a common sight in many larger cities. In Vienna, too, hundreds of food delivery cyclists ride around every...

Hans Haacke – Retrospective / Belvedere 21, Vienna

01.03.2025 – 09.06.2025The Belvedere 21 is honouring Hans Haacke, the legend of political conceptual art, with a comprehensive retrospective. As a founding figure of...

Kaleidoscope / esc medienkunstlabor, Graz

24.01.2025 – 28.01.2025For five days, esc medienkunstlabor offers the opportunity to have a look at the final showcase ‘Kaleidoscope’ by students of the Communication,...

art acquisitions of the state of vorarlberg 2024 part #1 / allerart gallery, Bludenz,...

28.02.2025 – 16.03.2025 Bereits seit 1974 kauft das Land Vorarlberg alljährlich zeitgenössische Kunst zur Erweiterung und Ergänzung der landeseigenen Sammlung an. Auch heuer sind die...

WERNER REITERER – The Mind Hacker / Schlossmuseum Linz

26.02.2025 – 22.06.2025 The interventions of Graz-born Werner Reiterer are both unexpected and irritating, as well as humorously ironic. When historical wooden sculptures of saints...

The best of all worlds? 20 years of the Kardinal König Art Prize /...

21.02.2025 – 08.04.2025After the Lentos Art Museum, Bildraum Bodensee is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the renowned Kardinal König Art Prize with an exhibition...

Simona Pavoni / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

24.01.2025 – 29.01.2025 Simona Pavoni discovered the rich tradition of embroidery in Austrian culture after her arrival in Graz as part of the Styria Artist-in-Residence...

ARVIDA BYSTRÖM – Who’s Your Daddy? / OK Linz

12.02.2025 – 25.05.2025The work of internationally recognised artist and photographer Arvida Byström has been shown in art exhibitions worldwide. Born in Sweden, she has...

BERWIENALE – Contemporary Art in Dialogue / Kulturforum Berlin

23.01.2025 – 26.02.2025Vienna and Berlin, two vibrant art metropolises, are at the centre of the exhibition. The show ‘BERWIENALE I Contemporary Art in Dialogue’,...

Gustav Klimt ‒ Pigment & Pixel / Unteres Belvedere, Vienna

20.02.2025 – 07.09.2025The exhibition also explores the question of how Klimt created his legendary golden paintings. How did he apply the gold to the...


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