Auf ins Wolkenkuckucksheim / OÖ Kulturquartier Linz

10.07. until 15.09.2020. Invitingly, the hammocks stretched out by Michael Kienzer bob in the wind: since July 10, the Höhenrausch roof has mutated into...

Escape! / MQ Wien

Reopening 05.06.2020. Those who are still not tired of being "locked up" can go to Vienna's, if not Austria's biggest escape room in the...
c FAQ Bregenzerwald

Dornbirn Plus: #weact Outburst of Culture Online

Online platform for virtual cultural projects from Vorarlberg. The Dornbirn Plus team with Bettina Steindl, Theresa Bubik and Lisa Maria Alge has launched a channel...
c Karl Neubacher / steirischer herbst

steirischer herbst – Video- & Online Archive

"No apocalypse not now" is the titel of a performance, that can be seen among many other videos in the video archive of steirischer...
c Richard Eberle / Vorarlberg Museum

Vorarlberg Museum digital

Podcasts, audio and video tours, a digital reading corner, Daniela Egger's Corona diary and much more: The Vorarlberg Museum offers a comprehensive digital online...
c Tage der Utopie

Days of Utopia Götzis/Vorarlberg – Online lectures

The "Days of Utopia" - the festival for a good future presents lectures and discussions online as podcasts and videos. "I don't understand why people...

“Museum Total” / Linz

20.02.2020 - 23.02.2020; Linz. Nine museums, four days, one ticket: Linz museums open their doors for "Museum Total". Nine Linz museums invite you to an extended...

“ani_male” / brut Wien

20.02.2020 - 25.02.2020; Wien. The performance and video installation ani_male brings the representations of masculinity and animalism into an intensive dialogue. In their third collaboration the...

“Graz Cultural Year 2020”

23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020; Graz. How we want to live: The Graz Cultural Year 2020 gazes into the "Urban Future" The motto of Graz 2020 is "How...

“inform – Zeitgenössische Narrative aus Liechtenstein” / QuadrART Dornbirn

23.11.2019 - 07.02.2020; Dornbirn. Things worth telling spread practically by themselves. Artists from Liechtenstein visiting Vorarlberg. Seven artists from Liechtenstein present their works in the QuadrART...


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