“Philosophicum Lech 2019” / Vorarlberg

25.09.2019 - 29.09.2019; Vorarlberg. The Values of the few. Elitist bubbles: At this year’s Philosophicum in Lech am Arlberg discussions will revolve around elites and...

“Science Meets Fiction Festival” / Salzburg

23.09. - 04.10.2019; Salzburg. High Tech & Low Life. The Science Meets Fiction Festival interrelates future concepts from art, culture and science with one another. Better...

“shut up and listen! 2019” / various locations, Wien

05.12.2019 - 08.12.2019; Wien. "Once again, let's shut up and listen." The transdisciplinary festival for music and sound art in Vienna. Bernhard Gál, artistic director of...

“Ars Electronica Festival: Out of the Box – The Midlife-Crisis of the Digital Revolution”...

05.09.2019 - 09.09.2019; Linz. The Ars Electronica Festival navigates through the Digital Revolution. Roberto Viola occupies one of the central positions for the development of Europe’s...

“Africa Days Vienna 2019” / Donauinsel, Wien

09.08. - 26.08.2019; Vienna. African music on the Danube Island in Vienna: a festival sets an example for tolerance and understanding between cultures. African vitality and...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2019

06.06.2019 - 06.07.2019; Feldkirch Risk, find, search: Montforter Zwischentöne discover new fields. Morning concerts for breakfast, science talks in the afternoon and a film screening in...

“16. Chiala Afrika Festival” / Oeverseepark, Graz

05.07.2019 - 07.07.2019; Graz Graz "united in diversity" at Chiala Afrika Festival. The Chiala Africa Festival celebrates African culture in all its colours and forms for...

“Cultural Year 2019 Austria – Ukraine”

Dialog bridges. Curiosity as a principle: The cultural year Austria-Ukraine. The best way of changing one’s perspective is by means of humour. Culture year Austria-Ukraine...

“grazERZÄHLT” Storytellingfestival, Graz

24.05.2019 - 23.06.2019; Graz Folke Tegetthoff's International Storytelling Festival stops by in Graz. Tell, listen and be heard. This is the aim of the international storytelling...

“NEXTCOMIC-Festival 2019” / Linz

14.3. - 23.03.2019; Linz Next stop Linz. The Nextcomic Festival celebrates its 10th birthday. The festival annually presents national and international comic book positions in Linz....


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