“murSZENE 2019” / Mariahilferplatz, Graz

18.07.2019 - 10.08.2019; Graz This is what summer sounds like in Graz! World music at Mariahilferplatz. Klezmer meets Jazz & Funk, Africa is just around the...

“Montafoner Resonanzen 2019” / Montafon, Vorarlberg

01.08.2019 - 07.09.2019; Vorarlberg The Montafon resonances sound from the mountain into the valley in a rich manner. Artists of distinction bring sounds of baroque, folk...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2019

06.06.2019 - 06.07.2019; Feldkirch Risk, find, search: Montforter Zwischentöne discover new fields. Morning concerts for breakfast, science talks in the afternoon and a film screening in...

“Vienna Festival” / Vienna

10.05.2019 - 16.06.2019; Vienna Art in the here and now with room for imagination and contradiction. The new festival director Christoph Slagmuylder seeks contact with the...

“vokal.total” / Graz

16.07.2019 - 20.07.2019; Graz Vocal madness in Graz: The vocal scene gathers at the international A Capella competition. Every year, vocal ensembles from all over the...

“16. Chiala Afrika Festival” / Oeverseepark, Graz

05.07.2019 - 07.07.2019; Graz Graz "united in diversity" at Chiala Afrika Festival. The Chiala Africa Festival celebrates African culture in all its colours and forms for...

“sicht:wechsel Integratives Kulturfestival” / Linz

03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019; Linz Together for a new inclusive self-image. Under the motto "Departure into a new self-confidence", artists from various nations together with local ensembles,...

Salzburger Festspiele “young singers project” 2019

20.07. – 24.08.2019; Salzburg. Today's talents are tomorrow's professionals. Learning from the best. The international scholarship holders of this programme have the opportunity to work with...

“Szene Openair” / Lustenau 2019

01.08.2019 - 03.08.2019; Lustenau Summer, sun and festivals: Music-highlights at Szene Openair in Lustenau. Three days of celebration, good music and a cheerful mood: on two...

“poolbar-Festival” / Feldkirch 2019

05.07.2019 - 11.08.2019; Feldkirch Alternative meets pop culture, international meets local: Cultural entertainment at the poolbar-Festival. What began as an artistic workshop series has now established...


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