In cooperation and with scientific advice from the didactic centres for humanities and for German as a second language and language education, we develop teaching materials for the teaching of cultural content, films and topics of political education in school and foreign language teaching.
List of Teaching Didactics:
#1 CREATIVE AUSTRIA Magazin 25. Link: Magazin
#2 Geschwister, Spielfilm von Markus Mörth. Link: Homepage
#3 Ellen L. Zechner, Molekularbiologin. Link: Videoportrait
#4 Reni Hofmüller, Konzeptkünstlerin. Link: Videoportrait
#5 Markus Mörth, Filmemacher und Autor. Link: Videoportrait
#6 Paul Pfleger, Musiker. Link: Videoportrait
#7 Peter Oswald, Fotograf & Illustrator. Link: Videoportrait
#8 Andreas Gratl, Architekt. Link: Videoportrait
#9 Martina Lehner, Martina Sperl Polsterei. Link: Videoportrait
#10 Pia Hierzegger, Schauspielerin & Autorin. Link: Videoportrait
#11 Sarah Reindl & Verena Kassar . Link: Videoportrait
#12 Aglaée Degros, Universitätsprofessorin für Stadtplanung. Link: Videoportrait
#13 KingYi Foong, Kunstuniversität Graz. Link: Videoportrait
#14 Alexey Kovalets, Erasmus Student. Link: Videoportrait
#15 Ekaterina Degot, Intendantin des steirischen herbst. Link: Videoportrait
#16 Kinga Toth, Schriftstellerin und Performancekünstlerin. Link: Videoportrait
#17 Liviu Bulea, Bildender Künstler. Link: Videoportrait
#18 Marina Schmied, Balletttänzerin. Link: Videoportrait
#19 Pascal Okafor, Megaphon Verkäufer. Link: Videoportrait
#20 Sara Saria, Inhaberin “Gewürze der Welt”. Link: Videoportrait